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St. Peters Basilica - the Vatican in Rome

This is one of the most beautiful and holy buildings in the world. The St. Peters Basilica is a 6th-century Catholic church on the north bank of the River Tiber in Rome, Italy. It’s known for its massive walls and lofty ceiling, as well as for being a symbol of Christianity and papal authority. The basilica is also famous for hosting important ceremonies such as the Pope’s visits there each year. You can take in some of these religious rituals from this stunning architectural sight station by taking in an original Vatican City view at St. Peters Basilica - the Vatican in Rome A visit to this famous landmark will leave you feeling refreshed yet again, ready to participate once more in what is referred to as ‘The Great Commonweal’ - a phrase coined after World War II when the Soviet Union was thought to have become a ‘great evil’ and humanity was forced to adopt common steps towards development into a more equal society.

Who is buried in St. Peter’s Basilica?

St. Peters Basilica, being a Catholic Church, contains the remains of several Catholic popes. Even though Pope John Paul II, who passed away in 2005, has been buried in the Basilica since 2011, there are still the remains of some other popes within the walls. St. Peter’s Basilica is said to have been constructed atop the “First Church,” which was the house of worship set up by St. Peter in 64 AD, and which was later destroyed. It’s believed that St. Peter’s tomb is within the Basilica, underneath what is referred to as “the Altar of the Chair.”

A Brief History of St. Peter’s Basilica

St. Peter’s Basilica is known today as the most significant basilica and the Catholic church in the world and has held this title since the 6th century. What’s interesting to note is that the original structure was built in the 4th century, although it was destroyed by a fire in 1296, and was rebuilt in the 16th century. In the 4th century, the emperor of the time, Constantine, ordered the construction of a basilica that would house the tomb of St. Peter, who was believed to have been crucified in that very spot in AD 64. Forty years later, a significant fire destroyed what was then a modest structure, and it was decided that the basilica would be rebuilt, this time in a more grandiose and elaborate manner.

Why is St. Peter’s Basilica special?

St. Peter’s Basilica, as a whole, is special because of its history, as it’s one of the oldest churches in the world, built nearly 2000 years ago, and has stood in the same spot ever since. However, even though it’s a massive structure, it’s also surprisingly beautiful, with its towering ceilings and rich, ornate interior. You might notice that the floor is designed in a series of intricate, geometric shapes, which are meant to be reminiscent of the “orb” or “globe” that the church intends to encompass. And the ceiling is decorated with intricate paintings, mosaics, and other works of art that have been painstakingly preserved throughout the centuries.

Inside St. Peter’s Basilica

As you walk in through the main doors, you’ll see the first of its many treasures, the high altar, which is decorated with a large statue of St. Peter, as well as intricate carvings and mosaics. The Papal Altar, which is also referred to as the Altar of the Confession, is where the Pope will hold special masses and ceremonies and is adorned with beautiful crowns, jewels, and other jewelry. To the left of the Papal Altar, you’ll notice a beautiful, ornate archway, which is known as the “Arch of the Scaffold.” This was the site of the execution of several martyrs, and it marks the spot where St. Peter is believed to have been crucified.

Tips for Visiting the Basilica

If you’re planning on visiting St. Peter’s Basilica, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First, remember that you’ll be visiting a Catholic church, so be sure to dress appropriately, with modest attire and covered shoulders, and leave your shoes at the entrance. You should also be sure to arrive a little early so that you have time to buy your tickets at the booth in the piazza and make your way inside. Keep in mind that St. Peter’s Basilica is open from 8:30am to 6 pm, and closes at 12:30 pm on Saturdays and certain holidays. The best time to visit St. Peter’s Basilica is early in the morning when the crowds are lightest and the view is still pristine.


The St. Peter’s Basilica is a must-see sight in Rome, and a visit here will leave you feeling inspired, enlightened, and ready to embrace all that the world has to offer. This is a must-see attraction for the history buff and is also a beautiful place for couples and families to visit together. From the story behind its construction to the view from its roof, you’ll be able to see and feel everything that makes St. Peter’s Basilica so special and significant. So, what are you waiting for? Visit this magnificent architectural sight station in Rome, St. Peter’s Basilica, today!